Add it up: Beltline timeline

Estimated years it will take to complete 22-mile Atlanta Beltline project: 25

Years it took to build the Great Pyramid at Giza: 20-30

Years it took to build a 31-mile tunnel and railway under the English Channel connecting England and France: 8

Years between the U.S.S.R. putting Laika the dog in space and Neil Armstrong walking on the moon: 12

Years it took to build the 5,600 mile-long Trans-Siberian Railroad: 12

Years it took to build the Hoover Dam: 5

Years it took to build first 88 miles of metro D.C.’s 106-mile Metrorail system: 25

Sources: Eurotunnel, PBS Online, NASA, BBC, Trans-Siberian Web Encyclopedia, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority