Palin to secessionists: Keep up the good work.

Even though I don’t share its Republican political leanings, I appreciate Peach Pundit because its not only informative, but because it has several contributors who aren’t afraid to call B.S. on fellow Republicans.

Until recently, anyway.

Video surfaced yesterday of Sen. John McCain’s running mate Gov. Sarah Palin telling the secessionist Alaskan Independence Party to “keep up the good work.”

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Keep up what good work? The work of breaking up the United States of America?

If a video surfaced of a Democrat telling secessionists to “keep up the good work,” Peach Pundit contributors would give themselves carpal tunnel syndrome demanding the Democrat leave the ticket. If video surfaced of Sen. Barack Obama telling members of the Weather Underground to “keep up the good work,” they’d be calling for his head.

There is literally nothing less patriotic than encouraging people to break apart the country.

But instead of expressing this at Gov. Sarah Palin, my friends at Peach Pundit are doubling-down on her candidacy.

In a post titled “The ‘high-tech lynching’ of Sarah Palin.”, the normally non-hyperbolic Peach Punditeer Buzz Brockway absurdly claims Palin is the victim of a smear campaign

In reality, she’s the victim of a “maverick” who added her to the national ticket without considering the consequences.

How can you root for a campaign whose slogan is “Country First” and still support the selection of a novice governor who tells secessionists to “keep up the good work?”