Clark-AU students irked with Borders

Lisa Borders has publicly refuted an anonymous letter that calling for her removal from Clark Atlanta University’s board of trustees

In a move that represents an astounding gift to Lisa Borders’ mayoral opponents, a group calling itself the Coalition of Concerned Clark Atlanta University Students has petitioned for the Council president’s removal from the school’s board of trustees.

The open letter, which was e-mailed to press this morning, effectively blames her for not doing enough to protect students there in the wake of the Sept. 3 shooting death of Spelman student Jasmine Lynn, 19, who was hit in the chest by a stray bullet while walking across campus.

Why didn’t I post something about the letter this morning? Because I didn’t know who’d sent it or if the “coalition” represented a legitimate student interest group. I sent an e-mail asking for contact information, but received no reply.