Omnivore - Goodbye to Son’s Place

The 13 year old soul food restaurant closes its doors.

There’s been a lot of restaurant closings in recent months. The economy has taken its toll on everything from high-end powerhouses to tiny ethnic spots. But for me, losing Son’s Place is the most heartbreaking yet.

The soul food restaurant closed on July 31.

Son’s Place is the first restaurant I visited in the city that made me fall in love with Atlanta. The food, the feel, the people, the warmth, all spoke of a kind of hospitality you just don’t find outside of the South. I’ve had many arguments in the years since about whether the fried chicken lived up to its hype, or whether the cobbler was too sweet. Through it all, I’ve remained devoted. On days when I needed comfort and sustenance, Son’s Place is where I headed.

On the phone this morning, owner Lenn Storey said the economy is to blame. Customer traffic has dwindled so much in past months that he just couldn’t keep the restaurant open.

“Hopefully, we can reopen,” said Storey. “I don’t know. It’s a sad time for son.”

(Photo by Mara Shalhoup. Additional reporting by Robyn Baitcher)