Polow da Don, ‘King of the White Girls’

Polow da Don, the producer behind pop-rap hits like Fergie’s “London Bridge” and “The Glamorous Life” and Rich Boy’s “Throw Some D’s,” has always been feeling himself. (For some background info, check out Edward Garnes’ Dec. 27, 2006, story here.) Judging by a recent interview with allhiphop.com, however, Polow’s arrogance has reached new heights. This is what he had to say when the writer asked about his dating preferences:

AllHipHop.com: Now, you call yourself the “King of All White Girls.” Elaborate on that for me.

Polow Da Don: Just the “King of the White Girls.” I ain’t self proclaimed but I run with it. Laughs There was a stage in my life where I went crazy with dating white women. I have nothing against black women, but they’re raised differently. White women are raised to respect and serve their men. Black women are taught to question their men. Black women look at submission as being weak. White women look at submission as being a woman. And anyone who has a problem with this statement is ignorant. Just look at the divine order: it goes God, man, woman, child.