Shower, massage, and sex?

I’m doing an experiment in open-source reporting.

I’m putting together a story attempting to de-mystify various activities often lumped together as vice. A couple weeks ago, I asked about open-air drug markets.

Today I’m asking about jack-shacks.

Did I say jack-shacks?

I meant to say “spas” — the kind that are usually windowless, neon-lit and adjacent to adult video stores.

I’ve gathered about as much information as I can without going in one.

Based on phone calls, I’ve figured out they commonly offer showers, body shampoos and massage for approximately $60/per hour.

I’m all for experiential stunt reporting, but getting a massage just to see if I’m offered sex is definitely not on my to-do list.

Here’s my question to readers — have any of you ever been to one? Would anyone be willing to share their stories? What’s the etiquette? What does $60 include? Is $60 the total package, or do they upsell you after you arrive? Are potentially illegalities unspoken, or are they direct with you once they determine you’re a not a cop?

Comment here, e-mail me at andisheh at, or give me a call at work at 404-614-1888. Anonymity guaranteed. I don’t want to cause anyone grief. I just want to have a candid talk about things that are hidden in plain sight.